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Maggie Kolkena, Author of Today for Tomorrow: A Field Guide to Scenario Planning - Founder of Third Thought

February 06, 2023

Maggie Kolkena, MSOD is the author of Today for Tomorrow: A Field Guide to Scenario Planning. She is the founder of Third Thought Consulting and brings over 25 years of expertise in providing leadership development experiences. Enabling innovation has been a strong theme in Maggie’s work. Her first career was in performing arts which helped shape her entrepreneurial journey.

Maggie has a distinct competence in helping leaders manage the future. There are many books out there about scenario planning, but her recently published book, Today for Tomorrow gives the framework for how to DO scenario planning. She shares some of these tips including adding trendscanning to team meetings to help look at what the future may bring.

Maggie loves supporting leaders and believes that businesses can be powerful agents for positive change in the world.

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